Srl. No.

Vessel Fishing Type Target Days Achievement Days Area Operated (Lat / Long) & depth (m) Reasons for shortfall / non-operation Catch Recorded (Kgs)
Out Fishing Effort

No. of hauls

Out Fishing Effort No. of hauls
1 Yellow Fin TLL 20 10 + 6* 6250 Hooks + 24* 16 17 3& + 12** 600 Hooks 3 13-15°/ 71-73°; 34-2100 m Generator AVR burnt, vessel returned to port on 28.09.2022 and repairs are under progress. 19
2 Blue Marlin TLL - - - - 10 5 & 1500 Hooks 5 10-12°/ 93°;


3 M. Vrushti TLL 20 16 10080 Hooks 16 13 - - - - The vessel was deployed for Sagar Parikrama programme of the Hon'ble Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying. -
4 M. Drushti TLL - - - - 18 14 4410 Hooks - - Delay in LSA/ FFA survey. 80
5 M. Nireekshani BT 20 16 75 Hrs. 50 8 - - - - The vessel was sent for machineries trial in between otter board got damaged. However, machineries and other equipments trial is completed which was necessary after adding 44 tonnes weight for stability of the vessel. -
6 MFV Sagarika BT 20 16 75 Hrs. 50 20 13 52.05 Hrs. 35 15-18°/ 72-73°; 25-67 m


7 MFV Lavanika BT 20 16 75 Hrs. 50 18 4 + 8** 18 Hrs. + 90** Hrs. 12 9-10°/ 75-76°; 21-68 m


8 M. Varshini BT 20 16 75 Hrs. 50 - - - - - LSA/ FFA survey. -
9 MFV. Samudrika BT 20 16 75 Hrs. 50 20 16 75 Hrs. 50 10-13°; 30-116 m


10 M. Shikari BT - - - - 18 14 55.5 Hrs. 37 17-19°/ 83-84°; 37-57 m

Repairs to split winch.

11 M. Darshini BT 20 16 75 Hrs. 50 20 17 75 Hrs. 50 16-19°/ 82-85°; 33-130 m


Abbreviations used:  LSA-Life Saving Appliances;  FFA-Fire Fighting Appliances on board; M.E.- Main Engine;  MMD-Mercantile Marine Department; 
NOTE:  M-Matsya, TLL-Tuna Long Lining, BT-Bottom Trawling, MT-Midwater Trawling, MDSL-Modified Deep Set Longlining, SJ-Squid Jigging,  ** Marine Mammal Survey, @ As bite fish, & - Immersion Hrs. of Experimental gill net fishing, ^ Catch discarded, *-Drift gillnet operation (Hrs.), ** Marine mammal survey, && handline fishing
Srl. No. Vessel Survey Operation details
1 MFV Matsya Vrushti The vessel participated in the Sagar Parikrama programme of the Hon’ble Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying. The vessel sailed for Parikrama from Mumbai on 18.09.2022 and returned to Port on 30.09.2022. Thus, it was out at sea for 13 days. As per the directives of the Ministry, the vessel participated in Mobile range testing conducted by DoT, Gujarat State under the National Security programme during 27th – 28th September 2022.
2 MFV Matsya Nireekshani The vessel was sent for machineries trial in between otter board got damaged. However, machineries and other equipments trial is completed which was necessary after adding 44 tonnes weight for stability of the vessel.
3 MFV Yellow Fin The vessel was out at sea for 17 days carrying out 03 days of multifilament tuna longline fishing in the area Lat.13ºN -15ºN; Long 71º – 73º E in the depth range 34-2100m, operating 600 baskets with 600 hooks. Total catch recorded was 19kg. The vessel also carried out 12 days of marine mammal survey in the area Lat.13ºN -15ºN; Long 71º – 73º E.
4 MFV Sagarika

The vessel was out at sea for 20 days with 13 days of fishing and 52.05hrs sampling effort by operating 35 hauls in Lat. 15ºN -18ºN; Long. 72ºE-73ºE in the depth range 25-67 m. Total catch recorded was 361kg consisting of jellyfish, mackerel, decapterids, rock cods, priacanthids, rays, squids and carangids.

5 MFV Matsya Varshini

LSA/ FFA survey.

6 MFV Lavanika

The vessel sailed on 13.09.2022 for survey operation and achieved 8 days out at sea with 4 fishing days by operating 12 hauls in the area Lat. 9°-10°N/ Long.75°- 77°E in the depth range of 21-68 m, expending a total fishing effort of 18.0 hrs and concluded the 1st voyage on 20.09.2022. The vessel commenced her 2nd voyage on 21.09.2022 for survey of marine mammal and achieved 10 days out at sea, 8 fishing days for mammal survey. During the period of survey, two sighting of whales in Lat. 90 at a depth of 1500m and 2200m respectively were recorded. Similarly, 6 sightings of dolphins in Lat. 90 and 100 in the depth range of 2070-2300m also were observed.

7 MFV Matsya Drushti

The Vessel was deployed for marine mammal population survey along with tuna resource survey for 18 days in between Lat. 10°N to Lat.14°N/Long 80° -83° E.  The vessel covered 20 sets of Marine mammal survey in 14 days and identified four species of dolphin viz.,Stenella attenuate, Stenella longirostris, Tursiops aduncus and Stenella coeruleoalba. Subsequently tuna resource survey was carried out and she operated 4410 hooks in the depth of 1818-3666 m. A total of 12 nos. of tuna and allied species with weight of 80 kg catch were recorded during the voyage. An aggregate hooking rate of 0.27% was recorded whereas Yellowfin tuna hooking rate was 0.02%.

8 MFV Samudrika

The vessel was out at sea for 20 days and was engaged for fishing operation for 16 days by expending 75.00 hrs of actual fishing effort and operated 50 hauls in the area Lat. 10o to 13o N in the depth range of 30-116 m. During the voyage a total of 1,927 Kg of fish catch was recorded. The catch was dominated by Horse mackerel (14.6%) followed by silver belly (13.5%), squid (12.7%), carangids (9%), ribbon fish (8.19%), decapterids (5.26%) and lizard fish (5.6%). Highest CPUE of 80 kg/hr horse mackerel was recorded in a single haul in the area110 .26 N/790.53 E.

9 MFV Matsya Shikari

The vessel sailed out on 11.09.2022 for demersal fishery resources survey, assessment and monitoring along the upper east coast of India between Lat. 17°N to 18°N. She was out at sea for 18 days and engaged in fishing operation for 14 days. A total of 37 hauls were made by expending a fishing effort of 55.5 hrs. The depth of operation was in between 37-57m. The area covered during the voyage was from Lat. 17°44.1' N, Long.  83° 32.5' E to Lat. 18°14.5' N, Long. 83°32.5' E. A total of 2395kg (appx.) of fish catch was recorded which was dominated by Ponyfishes (36.2%), Goatfishes (13.2%),Ribbon fishes (10.4%),Scads (8.5%),), etc.

10 MFV Matsya Darshini

The vessel sailed on 10.09.2022 for the demersal fishery resources survey, assessment and monitoring along the upper east coast of India between Lat. 16°N - 19°N. During the month she was at out at sea for 20 days and engaged in fishing operation for 17 days. A total of 50 hauls were made by expending a fishing effort of 75 hrs. The depth of operation was in between 33-130m. The area covered during the voyage was from Lat.16°45.7'N, Long. 82°27.7' E to Lat. 18°39.4' N, Long. 84°33.5' E. A total of 6367 kg (appx.) offish catch was recorded which was ­ dominated by Ponyfishes (43.5%), Ribbonfishes (16.0%), Goatfishes (8.1%), Cephalopods (4.9%), Scads (4.7%), etc.

11 MFV Blue Marlin

The Vessel sailed on 20.09.2022 for carrying out oceanic and allied resources survey by using tuna longlining and concluded her voyage on 30.09.2022. During the voyage she was out at sea for 10 days and did fishing for 5 days. She operated 1500 hooks in Andaman & Nicobar waters between Lat. 10°, 11° - 12°N/Long 93° E. A total of 13 nos. of tuna and allied species with weight of 519kgs catch were recorded during the voyage. An aggregate hooking rate of 0.86% was recorded whereas Yellow fin tuna hooking rate was 0.40%.

    This page was last updated at 10:40 AM on 12.10.2022